Industry venture capital

Leçons de la mise en sauvegarde d’Ÿnsect : ce que Mandalore IndustryTech fait différemment pour assurer la pérennité de ses investissements

Le parcours de la start-up française Ÿnsect, autrefois considérée comme un fleuron de l’agri-tech française, a pris un tournant difficile en 2024 lorsqu’elle a été placée en procédure de sauvegarde. Cette démarche, visant à réorganiser ses activités tout en conservant ses emplois et ses dettes, a mis en lumière des défis auxquels sont confrontées de nombreuses start-ups dans les secteurs industriels et technologiques. Ces défis permettent d’identifier des écueils que Mandalore IndustryTech s’efforce d’éviter pour ses propres investissements, en ajustant sa thèse pour une approche plus résiliente et adaptée.

Une vision réaliste et progressive du financement à long terme

L’ambition de Ÿnsect de construire la plus grande ferme verticale d’insectes au monde a nécessité des investissements massifs. Cependant, cette expansion rapide n’a pas permis à l’entreprise d’anticiper suffisamment les besoins de financement à plus long terme, en particulier dans un contexte de marché en ralentissement.

Chez Mandalore IndustryTech, nous intégrons cette leçon en optant pour un accompagnement rigoureux dans la gestion des financements. Nous privilégions des stratégies qui assurent non seulement la levée de fonds initiale mais aussi une planification à long terme, adaptée aux cycles financiers. En conséquence, les entreprises que nous soutenons doivent démontrer une voie vers des revenus autonomes, avec une croissance modulable en fonction de la disponibilité des ressources.

Au lieu de miser sur une expansion rapide comme Ÿnsect, Mandalore IndustryTech propose un accompagnement rigoureux dans la gestion des financements en planifiant sur le long terme.

Maîtrise des opérations industrielles : une priorité stratégique

Ÿnsect s’est lancée dans un projet ambitieux et technologiquement complexe. Mais dans un secteur industriel à forte intensité capitalistique, toute faille dans la chaîne de production ou la logistique peut rapidement devenir coûteuse.

Pour éviter ce type de problème, Mandalore IndustryTech se concentre sur des entreprises qui affichent une solide expertise industrielle et une capacité à gérer leurs opérations de manière stable et efficace. En effet, le fonds cible les startups étrangères de série B+ ou les entreprises de taille moyenne ayant des activités en Europe et cherchant à se développer en France.

Nous encourageons des partenariats industriels dès les premières phases de conception, garantissant que les projets soient soutenus par des acteurs expérimentés. Cela inclut aussi des tests de faisabilité et des études industrielles rigoureuses avant d’engager des investissements significatifs. Le fonds vise à sélectionner des acteurs étrangers capables de s’implanter en Europe à partir de la France. L’objectif est d’investir dans des entreprises souhaitant s’implanter en France pour développer leur marché européen.

Rentabilité et génération de flux de trésorerie : une condition essentielle

Dans le cas de Ÿnsect, une forte croissance n’a pas été suivie par une rentabilité suffisante, rendant la start-up dépendante des financements externes. Cette dépendance peut devenir problématique lorsque les investisseurs adoptent une approche plus conservatrice, comme cela a été le cas ces dernières années.

Mandalore IndustryTech se distingue par son exigence d’un modèle économique clair et viable dès les débuts d’un projet. Nous soutenons des entreprises qui montrent une capacité à générer des flux de trésorerie et qui ne dépendent pas uniquement de financements externes pour survivre. La rentabilité, ou du moins une voie crédible vers celle-ci, est un critère fondamental pour nos investissements, car elle permet aux entreprises de maintenir une certaine autonomie.

À la différence d'Ÿnsect, qui était dépendante des financements externes, Mandalore IndustryTech exige un modèle économique viable dès le départ. Le fonds recherche des entreprises capables de générer des flux de trésorerie et vise un rendement financier de 3x.

Adaptabilité et résilience face aux cycles économiques

La mise en sauvegarde d’Ÿnsect s’inscrit dans un contexte de ralentissement économique où les investisseurs deviennent plus prudents. Cela souligne la nécessité pour une start-up de savoir s’adapter aux fluctuations des cycles économiques.

Pour Mandalore IndustryTech, l’adaptabilité est une qualité essentielle. Nous investissons dans des entreprises capables de moduler leur croissance en fonction des conditions du marché. Cela signifie que nos investissements sont pensés pour offrir des leviers d’ajustement, permettant aux entreprises de naviguer efficacement dans des périodes de ralentissement sans compromettre leur pérennité.

Pour autant qu’il faut savoir moduler sa croissance dans les périodes compliquées, les conditions de marché sont actuellement prometteuses. En effet, le marché américain de l’Industry 4.0 devrait atteindre 9 104 millions de dollars en 2032, contre 5 342 millions de dollars en 2022. L’écosystème des start-ups spécialisées dans l’innovation technologique est florissant aux États-Unis, et de nouvelles opportunités se développent en Europe et en Asie. Les gouvernements locaux investissent massivement dans l’innovation industrielle.

Diversification des marchés et clientèle pour plus de stabilité

Ÿnsect s’est concentrée sur des segments de marché spécifiques, comme l’alimentation animale, limitant ainsi ses options lorsque ces marchés ralentissent. La diversification est un axe clé pour assurer une résilience à long terme.

Mandalore IndustryTech adopte une approche qui encourage la diversification des marchés et des segments de clientèle, afin que les entreprises puissent rebondir face aux imprévus. Nous privilégions des modèles d’affaires qui permettent une certaine flexibilité en termes d’offres et de marchés cibles, assurant ainsi que les entreprises ne soient pas vulnérables à un seul secteur.

Pour éviter les problèmes de concentration rencontrés par Ÿnsect, Mandalore IndustryTech encourage la diversification en ciblant 1000 entreprises technologiques : 40% aux États-Unis, 30% au Japon et 30% dans le reste du monde. Le fonds vise à réaliser 15 à 20 lignes d’investissement, dont 80% avec le bureau de représentation de l’UE pour la commercialisation.

En conclusion : Une approche de Mandalore IndustryTech pour des investissements robustes

La mise en sauvegarde d’Ÿnsect rappelle combien les start-ups doivent faire face à des défis complexes dans des secteurs nécessitant d’importants capitaux. Chez Mandalore IndustryTech, nous avons intégré ces enseignements dans notre thèse d’investissement pour éviter les erreurs qui pourraient compromettre la stabilité de nos participations. En misant sur la planification financière à long terme, la maîtrise opérationnelle, la recherche de rentabilité, l’adaptabilité économique et la diversification, Mandalore IndustryTech vise à construire un portefeuille d’entreprises solides, résilientes et prêtes à traverser les cycles économiques sans perdre de vue leur croissance durable.

Ces principes nous guident pour offrir à nos investisseurs des perspectives de rendement alignées avec une vision de croissance responsable et de pérennité, essentielle dans un contexte de marché en constante évolution.

Industry Venture Capital: Pioneering Innovation and Driving Economic Growth

Definition of an industry venture capital fund

Industry ventures can vary widely depending on the specific industry and sector they operate in. They often aim to optimize production processes, improve efficiency, and meet market demands. They contribute to economic growth, employment generation, and technological advancements in various sectors over the past decade such as within the Internet space.


In today's ever-changing industrial tech landscape, companies embarking on the early stages of industry ventures play a crucial role in shaping our future. Industry Ventures are bold initiatives at an early stage that push the boundaries of innovation and growth, paving the way for new opportunities and technological breakthroughs that transform the world we live in.

Industry Ventures are more than just commercial projects. They are driven by an ambitious vision, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a desire to push back traditional industry barriers. These daring investment initiatives are often undertaken by established technology companies looking to reinvent themselves, high-potential start-ups, or collaborations between industrial players, their funds, general partners, and external innovators.

What makes Industry Ventures so captivating to invest in is their multidisciplinary nature of portfolio technology companies. They include fields such as advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, biotechnology, renewable energies, and many others. These ventures push technological boundaries and create innovative solutions to complex problems in critical sectors such as healthcare, energy, transport, agriculture, and manufacturing industries.

In this article, we delve into the benefits, and challenges of Industry Ventures. We examine strategies employed by industrial venture investors and tech start-ups to gain market share against established actors and showcase real-world examples of these ventures' impact.

Why are industry ventures particularly fit into current times? Especially for a Corporate Venture Fund?

Over the past decade and a few years, many developed countries have undertaken a re-industrialization process. Developed countries are seeking to reindustrialize for several reasons:

1. Economic Competitiveness:

Reindustrialization allows developed nations to enhance their economic competitiveness on the global stage. By revitalizing manufacturing sectors, these countries can create high-value products, generate skilled jobs, and improve trade balances.

2. Innovation and Technology:

Modern manufacturing relies heavily on advanced technologies such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Reindustrialization provides an avenue to leverage these innovations, fostering research and development, and enhancing technological leadership.

3. Supply Chain Resilience:

Recent global events, like supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the importance of domestic production capabilities. Reindustrialization helps reduce dependency on foreign suppliers, ensuring a more resilient supply chain.

4. Skill Development:

The manufacturing renaissance contributes to skill development by creating jobs that require specialized knowledge, technical proficiency, and vocational training. This addresses unemployment and empowers the workforce.

5. National Security:

Strategic industries like defense and critical infrastructure benefit from reindustrialization, enhancing a nation's self-reliance and reducing vulnerabilities in times of crisis.

6. Inclusive Growth:

Reindustrialization can promote inclusive growth by providing opportunities for various segments of society, including disadvantaged communities, and reducing income inequality.

7. Environmental Considerations:

Advanced manufacturing techniques enable more sustainable practices, reducing the carbon footprint of production processes. Reindustrialization allows nations to adopt eco-friendly technologies and contribute to global environmental goals.

8. Value Chain Integration:

Reindustrialization facilitates the integration of manufacturing with other sectors like research, design, and services, leading to a more holistic and value-added economic and business ecosystem.

9. Policy Control:

Domestic industrial production offers countries greater control over regulatory, labor, and environmental standards, aligning with their national priorities.

In essence, the drive for reindustrialization in developed countries stems from a desire to secure economic strength, technological advancement, resilience, and societal well-being in an ever-changing and interconnected world.

Industry ventures would fit right in this new trend which is increasingly supported by governments. As an example of an industrial or corporate venture fund, one could think of France 2030, a €34 billion and 5-year national plan to invest in the future. One of its aims is to allow France to catch up in certain industrial sectors. Similarly, Germany announced Made in Germany: Industrial Strategy 2030, clarifying its industrial strategy and underlining the fact that strengthening industry is extremely important in today's globalized world.

How Industry Venture Capital Funding can benefit corporates and a senior managing director?

Industry ventures bring numerous advantages to enhance a company's functionality and benefit society at large.

  • Job Creation and Economic Growth:

Industry ventures often make investments that lead to the creation of new jobs and contribute to economic growth. As these industry investments and business ventures expand and thrive, they require a skilled workforce, thereby generating employment opportunities and boosting the local and national economy.

  • Technological Advancements:

Industry ventures drive technological innovation by pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology. They encourage more investment in research and development, leading to the creation of new technologies that can have far-reaching impacts across various industries.

  • Global Competitiveness:

By embracing cutting-edge technologies and fostering collaboration, industry ventures enhance a nation's global competitiveness. They position the country as a leader in innovation and enable it to compete effectively on the international stage.

  • Resource Efficiency:

These ventures often are technology companies that prioritize resource efficiency management and sustainability. By optimizing processes and developing environmentally friendly solutions, they contribute to the conservation and management of natural resources and the reduction of waste.

  • Rural Development:

Industry ventures can play a significant role in rural development by investing and establishing operations in less-developed areas. This same venture can help alleviate urban congestion, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the overall development of rural communities.

  • Cross-Industry Synergies:

Industry ventures often have partnerships that directly span multiple industries, leading to synergies between sectors and portfolio companies that might not have collaborated otherwise. This can result in the emergence of new products, services, and business models that cater to evolving consumer needs.

  • Investment and Partnership Opportunities:

These ventures attract investment from various sources, including venture funds, angel investors, other funds and government funding. This influx of capital fuels innovation and facilitates funding the growth of early-stage startups.

  • Resilience and Adaptability:

Industry ventures and startup financing are often at the forefront of enterprise adaptability. They are agile and capable of responding to market shifts and disruptions, making them more resilient in the face of challenges.

  • Research and Knowledge Transfer:

Collaboration and partnership between institutions, industry ventures, and research institutions foster the transfer of knowledge and expertise. This culture of exchange contributes to the advancement of academic research while also benefiting businesses with practical insights.

  • Improved Quality of Life:

Industry ventures can lead to the creation of products and services that enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities. From advanced healthcare solutions to smart infrastructure investments, these ventures contribute to a better standard of living.

In summary, Industry Ventures bring forth a diverse array of benefits, spanning economic, technological, environmental, and societal dimensions. Their dynamic nature and innovation-driven approach contribute to progress on multiple fronts, making them key drivers of positive change.

What are the strategies of industrial venture companies to gain market share against well-established industrial actors?

Industrial start-ups employ various strategies to gain market share against well-established industrial actors. Here are some common strategies employed by industrial start-ups:

  • First of all, there is Technological Innovation: Start-ups focus on developing innovative technologies or solutions that address existing industry challenges or offer significant improvements over traditional approaches. By introducing disruptive technologies, they can attract customers looking for more efficient, cost-effective, or sustainable options.

  • Another strategy is called “Agility and Speed”: Start-ups often have the advantage of being more agile and flexible compared to larger, established companies. They can quickly adapt to market changes, respond to customer needs, and implement new ideas. By leveraging their agility, start-ups can bring products or services to market faster, gaining a competitive edge over slower-moving incumbents.

  • An important aspect is Niche Targeting: Start-ups often identify and target specific niche markets or customer segments that are underserved by larger players. By focusing on a specialized area, they can tailor their products or services to meet the unique needs of these customers, establishing a strong market presence before expanding to broader markets.

  • Partnerships and collaborations can bring real added value. They allow established industry players to leverage their expertise, resources, and distribution channels. By partnering with established companies, start-ups can access existing customer bases, boost their credibility, and accelerate their market penetration.

  • The customer-centric approach enables start-ups to prioritize understanding customer problems and designing solutions that effectively meet those needs. They actively seek feedback, evolve their products or services, and provide excellent customer support. By focusing on adding value and building strong relationships with their customers, start-ups can develop a loyal customer base and increase their market share.

  • An unforgettable aspect is of course Efficiency and Value Proposition: Start-ups often emphasize cost efficiency and competitive pricing to attract customers. By offering comparable or superior products or services at a lower price point, they can entice customers to switch from established players. Start-ups may also highlight additional value, such as improved performance, customization, or scalability, to differentiate themselves in the market.

  • Last but not least, marketing and branding enable start-ups to invest in effective strategies to raise awareness and establish a strong brand presence. They leverage digital channels, social media, content marketing, and targeted campaigns to reach their target audience. By effectively communicating their unique value propositions and showcasing their expertise, start-ups can gain visibility and attract customers.

An illustration of industrial start-ups backed by venture capital firm and their strategy to gain market share against well-installed actor

Industrial start-ups are emerging companies and entrepreneurs that focus on innovative solutions and disruptive technologies within the industrial sector space. They aim to address specific challenges, introduce new products or services, or improve existing industrial processes. Here are some examples of some industrial tech start-ups and their strategies to gain market share against well-established actors:

  1. Carbon Clean Solutions:

    This start-up focuses on developing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Their strategy includes partnering with existing industrial players, such as power plants or cement manufacturers, to implement their solutions and demonstrate their effectiveness. They also emphasize cost-efficiency and scalability to attract customers and gain market share.

  2. Desktop Metal:

    This start-up specializes in 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies for industrial applications. Their strategy involves targeting industries that can benefit from their rapid prototyping and production capabilities, such as automotive, aerospace, and healthcare. They focus on delivering high-quality, cost-effective solutions and building partnerships with industry leaders to expand their market reach.

  3. Vicarious Surgical:

    This start-up combines robotics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence to develop surgical systems for minimally invasive procedures. Their strategy includes obtaining regulatory approvals and establishing partnerships with hospitals and healthcare providers. By highlighting the precision, safety, and cost-effectiveness of their technology, they aim to compete against established players in the medical device industry.

  4. Zymergen:

    This start-up integrates biology, automation, and machine learning to create novel materials and chemicals. Their strategy involves collaborating with industrial partners to develop sustainable and high-performance products. They focus on offering customized solutions, rapid product development, and cost competitiveness to gain market share in industries such as electronics, agriculture, and materials science.

  5. Bright Machines:

    This start-up combines robotics and artificial intelligence to automate assembly and manufacturing processes. Their strategy revolves around providing flexible, scalable, and intelligent automation solutions to various industries. By offering improved efficiency, reduced labor costs, and faster time-to-market, they aim to challenge traditional players in the industrial automation sector.

These start-ups often differentiate themselves by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, investing in providing innovative solutions to industry or company-specific challenges, and emphasizing factors such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, sustainability, or improved performance. They may also target niche markets, partner or collaborate with industry leaders or focus on specific customer segments to gain traction and market share against well-established actors.


In conclusion, Industry Ventures stand as the vanguards of progress, igniting innovation and propelling economic growth in an ever-evolving world. These audacious initiatives, driven by visionary leaders and serious entrepreneurs and fueled by cutting-edge technologies and venture capital firm, have the power to reshape industries, challenge norms, and elevate societies.

As we traverse the landscape of industry ventures, we witness their impact on various sectors. From harnessing the potential of advanced robotics to leveraging artificial intelligence, these ventures redefine the boundaries of what is possible. They transcend traditional barriers, forging new paths in biotechnology, renewable energies, and beyond, leading us toward a more sustainable and interconnected future.

The benefits of industry ventures are manifold. They optimize production processes, elevate energy efficiency, and infuse quality into products, while also fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders. These ventures help start-ups join forces to surmount technical challenges, resulting in innovative solutions that benefit us all.

Industrial start-ups, armed with disruptive technologies and fueled by determination, employ a variety of strategies to seize their market share. From technological innovations that redefine norms to agility and niche targeting that cater to specific needs, these strategies drive their ascent. Partnerships and customer-centric approaches amplify their reach, while efficiency and compelling value propositions sway customers in their direction. Through branding and effective marketing, these start-ups imprint their uniqueness upon the market, capturing attention and garnering support.

The venture capital firm and corporation, as catalysts of change, support these industrial start-ups on all stages of their journey. By stimulating innovation, supporting emerging technologies, using capital and investing in and facilitating growth, they empower the pioneers of progress. Such investments not only drive individual companies forward but also fuel the engine of economic advancement and societal betterment.

In a world where transformation is the only constant, industry ventures emerge as beacons of hope, pointing toward a future where innovation knows no bounds. As we stand at the crossroads of technology, venture capital firm, and industry, the road ahead is illuminated by the radiance of these ventures, forging a path to prosperity, sustainability, and a world reimagined.